SMG New Book Study Announcement (Aug 3, 2024)

Dear EDG Community,
We are excited to announce our next book study, where we will delve into “The Experience of Samadhi: An In-depth Exploration of Buddhist Meditation” by Richard Shankman. “In this clear and accessible exploration, Dharma teacher and longtime meditator Richard Shankman unravels the mix of differing, sometimes conflicting, views and traditional teachings on how samadhi (concentration) is understood and taught.” – Penguin Random House.

The Experience of Samadhi provides a wonderfully broad overview of the role of concentration in Buddhist meditation as well as in-depth exploration of meditative experience. This book is a valuable and inspiring resource.”—Joseph Goldstein

The book study will commence on Saturday, August 3. We kindly request that each participant purchase a copy before our first meeting. SMG’s virtual meetings take place every Saturday, starting at 10 AM. We begin with a 30-minute gently guided Vipassana meditation, followed by an engaging and interactive hour-long discussion on our reading material.

We look forward to embarking on this journey together and invite you to explore the in-depth guide of “The Experience of Samadhi.”

Kind regards,
SMG (EDG’s Satellite Meditation Group)

** Please reach out to Rick with any questions you might have at

Weekly Nikaya Reading Class

Presently, we are on the Anguttara Nikaya translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi of Nikaya series. We meet at 7:00PM to 8:30PM central time every Sunday via Zoom. Whoever is interested, please contact Mr James Chao, the founder and leader of the Nikaya Reading Class, ordered some copies of Anguttara Nikaya for participants of the reading class from EDG. Each copy of the Anguttara Nikaya will be sold at a special rate of $20/copy as a donation to Jade Buddha Temple and as an invitation to the reading class. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring you closer to the Buddha’s teachings. FYI. You can also purchase the Anguttara Nikaya on Amazon. For those who are interested, please reach out to EDG for purchase.

Weekly (Sunday) Dharma Talks

Every Sunday, the Jade Buddha Temple (Kwan Yin Hall), has weekly Dharma talks. Some of the talks are given in person (at Kwan Yin Hall) and others are given/seen remotely via Zoom (seen via projector in Kwan Yin Hall).

Check our calendar to find out who will be delivering the Dharma talk and if the talk will be in person (at the Kwan Yin Hall of Jade Buddha Temple) or remotely via Zoom (seen via projector in Kwan Yin Hall). Please join us every Sunday and participate in these Dharma talks.

Timelines (Central Time):

10:00 AM – 10:30AM: Guided meditation
10:30 AM – 11:30AM: Dharma talk
11:30AM: Vegetarian lunch

Also, you can sign up for the weekly newsletter to receive information about these weekly Dharma talks.