Buddhists Supposed to be Vegetarian?

One of the most common assumptions about Buddhism: vegetarianism. There are differences of opinion between Buddhists on this issue so here is a short article on those who believe that vegetarianism is necessary for Buddhists and those who do not. According to Buddhanet.net, Vegetarianism was not a part of the early Buddhist tradition and the Buddha himself was not a vegetarian. The Buddha got his food either by going on alms rounds or by being invited to the houses of his supporters and in both cases he ate what he was given. Before his enlightenment he had experimented with various diets including a meatless diet, but he eventually abandoned them believing that they did not contribute to spiritual development. Read article.

The Heart of the Buddha

Forget all the fancy meditation practices, says His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the real heart of Buddhism is complete commitment to others. In this commentary on The Way of the Bodhisattva, he describes the awakened heart of the Buddha, which is his vow to attain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings. Read on

8 Tips for Mindful Parenting

Taking care of the little (and not-so-little) ones can be a challenge, but that doesn’t mean that “mindful parenting” has to be an oxymoron. Here are some simple tips from Karen Maezen Miller.

Take Three Conscious Breaths


Pema Chödrön, one of the most popular American-born teachers of Buddhism, reminds us of a simple technique we can use anytime we need a break from our habitual patterns. Pema is a fully ordained Buddhist nun who is dedicated to the establishment of a Buddhist monastic tradition in the West. Read on.

Celebrate with the Dalai Lama

Watch a live streaming of  The Global Compassion Summit – July 5-7 – honoring the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday. The Summit is a celebration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s lifetime of devotion to the work of spreading the message of the value of peace, kindness and universal compassion throughout the world. You can watch the live streaming and other interviews/talks on the organizers Facebook page via their  website.