SMG New Book Study Announcement (Aug 3, 2024)

Dear EDG Community,
We are excited to announce our next book study, where we will delve into “The Experience of Samadhi: An In-depth Exploration of Buddhist Meditation” by Richard Shankman. “In this clear and accessible exploration, Dharma teacher and longtime meditator Richard Shankman unravels the mix of differing, sometimes conflicting, views and traditional teachings on how samadhi (concentration) is understood and taught.” – Penguin Random House.

The Experience of Samadhi provides a wonderfully broad overview of the role of concentration in Buddhist meditation as well as in-depth exploration of meditative experience. This book is a valuable and inspiring resource.”—Joseph Goldstein

The book study will commence on Saturday, August 3. We kindly request that each participant purchase a copy before our first meeting. SMG’s virtual meetings take place every Saturday, starting at 10 AM. We begin with a 30-minute gently guided Vipassana meditation, followed by an engaging and interactive hour-long discussion on our reading material.

We look forward to embarking on this journey together and invite you to explore the in-depth guide of “The Experience of Samadhi.”

Kind regards,
SMG (EDG’s Satellite Meditation Group)

** Please reach out to Rick with any questions you might have at