vSMG Meditation and Book Study (Zoom)
vSMG (Virtual Satellite Meditation Group) Meditation and Book Study Gently guided Vipassana Group Meditation 10:00am Central Time Book Study 10:30am Contact: vsmg.mgr@gmail.com
vSMG (Virtual Satellite Meditation Group) Meditation and Book Study Gently guided Vipassana Group Meditation 10:00am Central Time Book Study 10:30am Contact: vsmg.mgr@gmail.com
Nikaya Reading Class 7:00PM Central time Contact: nikaya.mgr@gmail.com
American Bodhi Center (ABC) Saturday Meditation guided by Ven. Tong Hong For more information see the ABC website FYI: Link on "ABC website" https://www.americanbodhicenter.org/programs/meditation-retreats/
vSMG (Virtual Satellite Meditation Group) Meditation and Book Study Gently guided Vipassana Group Meditation 10:00am Central Time Book Study 10:30am Contact: vsmg.mgr@gmail.com
Guided meditation (10AM) and Dharma talk (10:30AM). Dharma talk will be given in person, at Kwan Yin Hall. This will also be available via Zoom, for persons that cannot attend.
Nikaya Reading Class 7:00PM Central time Contact: nikaya.mgr@gmail.com
American Bodhi Center (ABC) Saturday Meditation guided by Ven. Tong Hong For more information see the ABC website FYI: Link on "ABC website" https://www.americanbodhicenter.org/programs/meditation-retreats/
vSMG (Virtual Satellite Meditation Group) Meditation and Book Study Gently guided Vipassana Group Meditation 10:00am Central Time Book Study 10:30am Contact: vsmg.mgr@gmail.com
Guided meditation (10AM) and Dharma talk (10:30AM). Dharma talk will be given remotely via Zoom. But, please join us at Kwan Yin Hall to participate in the Zoom session (projected onto screen) together with other… More